22 September 2010

glovely birthday

oh hey there, glovers.

just wanted to share my fabulous birthday cake, created with love by my good friend lindsey.  it's the cutest birthday cake i've ever gotten!  thank you, lindsey!!

16 September 2010

50 ways to weave your glover

15 September 2010

no sale!

if anyone ever asked to purchase one of my glovelies, i would have to say no. because i love my glove companions and feel a deep connection with them. well not super deep, you know, but deep enough to make me want to keep them. i'd never throw them away. i put part of myself into them. do you know how many times i have stabbed myself with a needle while sewing them? TOO MANY!!!!

13 September 2010

part three

before i begin talking about today's glove, i would like to share a little anecdote. this afternoon as i was coming home from running errands, i rounded the corner to my house and spotted something bright pink on the ground. since school just started at the elementary across the street, i thought perhaps a little girl had carelessly lost a glove while walking home!! i immediately pulled over, got out of the car, and hustled over to the object, crossing my fingers that it was a glove. alas, it was just some piece of colorful fabric. sorry, ribbon-like thing, you aren't a glove and so i won't be rescuing you. yet.

alrighty, now here's the final installment of the three-part post! sorry it took so long to get to this third glove. i got caught up in school and the cset, which i took last saturday (fingers crossed that i passed), but today i finally had time to work on this glove. to your left, you can see a lovely picture of my dad rescuing this glove from the middle of the road. it was absolutely black when i got it. i had washed it at the same time as the previous two gloves, but today i washed it twice more because it was absolutely saturated with something black. maybe grease or asphalt. it's definitely a hard-working glove. however, unlike the previous gardening glove, Wuncle Ugly, this glove had no holes to patch. yay! i stuffed and sewed and soon it was sitting upright, beaming at me.

so here you go, the dirtiest-looking glove yet...

Greasy Peterman!