21 December 2010

rain rainy rain

after a long dry-spell the rains finally came.  and they weren't joking, neither!  it's been for four or five days straight now.  and you know what rain means?  yes, raincoats, rainboots, umbrellas, and GLOVES.

i was driving to the gym the other day and spotted a glove on the side of the road.  it was within the curbside parking boundaries, which means it would be safe to retrieve the glove (and wouldn't be going against my pact with my parents not to risk my life to rescue gloves).  since i had already driven past the glove and was already on my way to the gym, i scribbled "GLOVE" on the back of my hand to remember to pick it up on the way home.
which i did.

it was a super dirty gardening/work glove, so i left it on the stone wall in the front yard in hopes that the rain would take care of some of the cleaning.  i was wrong, it made no difference whatsoever.  so after a day outside in the rain, i brought the glove inside for a thorough bath.  into the bathroom sink with some detergent and vigorous scrubbing.  still dirty.  ok, how about some bleach then?  oh god it smells.  oh and the plug is stuck so the sink won't drain.  lovely.  so here i am with a dirty glove in bleachy water that won't drain, and now my hands smell like bleach.  thankfully, dad happened to call just then and was able to tell me how to fix the sink.. huzzah!

once clean and dry, i spent some time peeling off the cracked rubber that lined the inside of the glove.  the leather is so old and stiff that i was not able to mold it into anything, but i wasn't about to let this poor little guy down.  i spaced his button eyes far apart to make him look dopey and gave him some snaggle teeth.  he ain't too pretty but he's loyal to a fault.

give a warm holiday welcome to Klaus!
merry christmas and happy new year, everyone!

09 December 2010

might as well face it, i'm addicted to gloves.