25 October 2010

extra-long spooky post!

happy halloween everyone!  i love halloween because i always feel like dressing up, but this is the one time of year where i can do it without looking like a total idiot.  this year i'm a peacock and i get to stick my hair straight up.  it's awesome.  well anyways, this is a super-de-duper special post because we have two guest gloves joining us today.  my brother steve found the first glove on a dark sidewalk in palms.

 "Murder was in the air.  What other explanation could there be for the haphazard nature of this glove's disposal without the company of it's twin?  As I strode to the apartment of an acquaintance, something about this item screamed that I must rescue it from the sidewalk's cruel clutches and deliver it to my sister for further study and rehabilitation."

here's the second glove, found by my good friend lindsey (see: glove cake) somewhere in orange county.  i'm not fancy and so can't upload this photo from my phone to the computer.  this was the best i could do.  lindsey e-mailed me a story to accompany the picture (edited but left mostly intact)
 Glove Story: Hello beautiful friend, I found this riding glove stranded by its lonesome outside of Trader Joes in Irvine.  I walked past it and did a double-take to make sure its mate and owner were not to be seen.  Of course, I thought of you instantly, snapped a picture with my phone, and picked it up!  Now I'm sure you will transform it into a majestic new creature.

hokay, so since it's october and halloween is next weekend, i felt it more than appropriate to make a spooky frankenstein-ish glove doll fit for the holiday.  i transformed the diesel glove from steve, into a vampirenstein with many legs and two bloody fangs.  ethel, the glove from lindsey, became a spooky spiky cape.  

have you ever seen such an adorable monster?  Deathel will kill you with cuteness!!!  and don't worry, he doesn't bite (unless you aren't looking).

happy halloweeeeeeen!


17 October 2010

a fruitful trip

remember how i was hoping i would find a glove in davis?  that didn't happen.  but guess what?  i found TWO gloves within my first five minutes in berkeley.  holy ballzz!!!  jessica picked me up from the train station and i immediately had to ask her to pull over and stop so i could jump out of the car and rescue two prime specimens of glove.  they were beauts, and i stowed them safely in a plastic grocery bag at the bottom of my suitcase for the remainder of my trip.  i finally got around to fashioning them into something this weekend, and i am mighty proud of them, if i do say so myself.  emily, jessica, and caryn, this glovely goes out to you!

behold the lovely little butterfly,

Mariah Carey!
p.s. click the pictures to enlarge them.  this glove has some really nice texture!

12 October 2010

a glove's perspective: elizabeth barrett browning

how do i glove thee?  let me count the ways.
i glove thee to the depth and breadth and hem
my awl can reach, when feeling out of stitch
for the ends of Button and ideal Lace.

07 October 2010


you know when you really want to do something but you can't because it would be bad for you?  that's how i was feeling on tuesday.

i taught 3 science classes that day and they were fantastic.  the students loved my oobleck (google it!!) lab and overall, i was satisfied that they understood what i was teaching and were engaged in the task.  as an added bonus, i got to go home early because i was allowed to skip this week's tuesday staff development meeting!!

on my drive home i sang along in the car to fleetwood mac, and when i reached PV drive, i spotted two beautifully preserved gloves right by the center divider.  there was no way i could stop to get them without risking bodily harm, so i just drove on.

this has happened to me several times now, and i always feel bad when i see a glove but cannot rescue it.  i only hope that i can rescue some gloves while i'm up in davis this weekend.  fingers crossed!