17 October 2010

a fruitful trip

remember how i was hoping i would find a glove in davis?  that didn't happen.  but guess what?  i found TWO gloves within my first five minutes in berkeley.  holy ballzz!!!  jessica picked me up from the train station and i immediately had to ask her to pull over and stop so i could jump out of the car and rescue two prime specimens of glove.  they were beauts, and i stowed them safely in a plastic grocery bag at the bottom of my suitcase for the remainder of my trip.  i finally got around to fashioning them into something this weekend, and i am mighty proud of them, if i do say so myself.  emily, jessica, and caryn, this glovely goes out to you!

behold the lovely little butterfly,

Mariah Carey!
p.s. click the pictures to enlarge them.  this glove has some really nice texture!