12 November 2011


ladies and gents, i canNOT believe how long it has been since i've last posted.  it's absurd!  abhorrent!  abnormal!  absolutely unacceptable!  so to make it up to you, i will give you the most glove action you've ever seen here on this blog.

not one,
not two,
not even three,
but FOUR GLOVES!  in one post!

well, i know what you're thinking.  you're saying to yourself, "that liz, she so crazy... how she got four gloves lying around anyhow?"  well, i'd tell you why... but i don't exactly know.  alls i knows is that i found the first dubglove several months back but was unable to turn it into a glove doll because i had no free time whatsoever because i was teaching full-time.  now that i have a little bit o' extra time, i can do fun things like rehabbing lost gloves.  so i apologize at not having photo of the first pair where i actually found them, but i can't for the life of me remember where i found them or if i even took a picture.  i decided that these two gloves, since they were found together, shall travel together all the rest of their days.  i chose to create a rider and his vehicle.  well, without further ado, here's the first pair!

say hi to...  Gianwayne and his faithful Steed!

the second pair of gloves i found just yesterday when wandering the streets of santa monica with one of my best friends and old college roommate, jessica.  i picked her up after she was done with her workly duties and parked my car in one of the many parking structures available in the area.  as soon as we exited the structure, we walked right by two beautiful black knit gloves.

we had to stop for a photo, obviously!  upon further inspection, i discovered that they are the kind of gloves with little flaps for the forefinger and thumb that you can secure back with a button if you need to use touch-screens.  someone totally messed up by losing these babies!  i REALLY lucked out this time!

i decided to remove the thumb and index finger flaps and save them for feet.  i stuffed one entire glove to make a body and attached the feet on the bottom.  i cut the wrist off of the other glove and made a large nose out of it.  the rest of the fingers of the second glove form the remainder of the "comb" on the back of the body.  i think it looks a little bit like a cross between woodstock and snoopy... now wouldn't THAT be a weird couple??

please welcome...