07 March 2010

a pair's innuendo

well, you know how i had hives and i was hoping i would find a glove to make my day better? it turns out that i found two gloves that very same day! and even better, it was a complete pair! so although the gloves were not lonely, they were nevertheless abandoned and needed a new home. unfortunately i found them after a bout of rain so they were soggy, covered in grass, and one of them had a worm on it! eeeeew! it's quite unlike me to touch nasty things, but i knew i had to do it for the sake of lonely gloves everywhere! i had a plastic grocery bag with me just in case i came upon icky gloves, so i picked the two gloves up like i would dog poo (i.e., inside-out bag used as a barrier between hand and gross object). after smiling the entire bike ride home, i hung up the gloves to dry on the clothesline in the backyard.

once they had sufficiently dried outside, i whacked them with a stick a few times, then gave them a thorough wash and dry. i stuffed them with fiberfill, freshly purchased from walmart (blech!). since they are a pair, one is male and one is female. i've decided that right-handed gloves are girls and left-handed gloves are boys, so currently i have 2 girl gloves and 3 boy gloves. well, enough back-story! meet the pair:

Fahap and Garl


  1. So, the left-handed ones are boys? That's too bad; I'm left handed!

  2. luckily you still have your right hand intact!!! :)

  3. love them liz! great project!
