24 February 2011


the first part of this post is brought to you by my illustrious mom:

"I was staying at Green Valley Lake with my fellow book club members, having a girl’s weekend away from our families.  The weather was clear, and cold.  We went for a walk around the lake in the morning.  I was in the last group of walkers with Meg.  There was some ice on the lake, and remnants of the last snowfall on the ground.  As we finished our stroll around the lake, and headed into town, I spotted a fuzzy raspberry colored glove in the snow at the side of the road.  I was elated!  At last I found a glove that I could rescue and take home to my daughter.  I took a picture of the glove in situ, and carefully wrapped it up to take home."

when mom got back from her trip and brought in her suitcase, i saw a little gleam in her eye.  she suddenly exclaimed, "i have something for you!"  i started jumping and dancing around the living room in anticipation.  she rifled through her suitcase, pawing through her clothes looking for something.  i started to lose momentum.  she wasn't sure where it was.  she could have sworn she packed it.  did she forget it?  noooooooooooooooooo!  but wait!  it was in the front pocket of the suitcase all along.  ha ha ha!  phew.  0_o

ok, onto the crafty bit.  (i know you were waiting for this part.)  today i went to michael's arts and crafts store to get more buttons and fiberfill.  i bought three large bags of fiberfill so i won't run out for quite a while.  the new fiberfill is softer and more pliable than my last batch, so i super-duper stuffed the glove to make it puffy.  i decided it looked a little bit like a squid, so i turned it upside down and closed up the wrist at the top.  i was watching futurama at the time so i had cyclops on the brain.  one giant button later, and my squid became a cyclosquid.  the thumb made a nice nose, and i secured it with some thread so that it would stay erect (heehee).  after that, i made a smiley face with thread.  but it felt like something was missing.  i pondered for a bit and realized the cyclosquid needed some unwieldy large teeth, so i sewed on four of those.  then i remembered the leather label, "possumdown" that i had removed earlier.  i found a suitable location for the label on the cyclosquid's rump, like a license plate.  he's rather silly, but oh so squishy.

here you can see him in his natural knitted seascape environment:


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