06 April 2011


i apologize for my extended absence.  the past few months have been busy with grad school and student teaching.  buttttt i will not bore you with those things.  instead, why don't we talk of spring?  the flowers are blooming, people are sneezing, claritin never had so many admirers.  life is grand!

so you know what spring means?  SPRING BREEEAAAKKKKK!!  which is how i actually have the free time to make a glove doll and then post about it.  oh how i have missed having free time...

glove 1
i found this glove a long time ago when i was driving home from student teaching.  i spotted one glove near the baseball field in the street outside the school and immediately pulled over to snap a picture and grab it.  i hopped in my car with a big grin and kept driving home, only to spot *another* glove just a little ways down the road, near the curb.  by then, i had driven too far to pull over, so i flipped a u-turn (legal?) and headed back up the hill.

glove 2

after maneuvering through the school's parking lot and then driving out the other side, i was able to head back down the hill.  i pulled over again and retrieved the second glove.  it was the mate of the first!  twins!!  i honestly think the two gloves may have belonged to a student that was practicing sports on said baseball field, but who cares, the gloves were MINE!  MUAHHAHHAHAH!!!

several months later, i actually have the time to make the gloves into something awesome. the gloves are sporty, made of leather and some sort of stretchy synthetic, with nice padding in the palm area.  the wrists had elastic bands with a velcro closures.  i decided to cut those off because i've sewn through rubber before, and trust me it's not fun.

so after cutting off the wrists (that sounds terrible), i cut the fingers (OH GOD) off one of the gloves, leaving the palm connected to a thumb.  i sealed the top part of the palm/thumb to create a head with a very long nose.  then i sewed the fingers on top of the head to make a very striking headdress.  after stuffing the second glove and attaching the head, i added button eyes and a pompom nose. i started out thinking it would be a bird, but it ended up more like a moose dog.  i think he's pretty cute, apart from his massively lopsided face (he has an enormous right cheek that i have concealed in this well-posed glamor shot).

enjoy the new post, because i don't know when i'll be able to post again.  i've miss you guys!
and now, i present to you....
